I have been out of work since April of this year, and up until a couple days ago, my income ended with the last several hrs of vacation pay the end of April. It was discovered in June that I had a few hrs of vacation pay left and also some coworkers donated some hrs of their vacation to me. I just received it July 5.
This is not a cry, this is not for sympathy, this is my testimony. God has not seen me begging or without food. As a Dept of Human Services worker I am now on the other side of the bullet-proof glass. Even my status as a worker could not speed up the process of approving my food benefits. I had to go through and wait...persevere and increase my faith until God allowed relief. All the while strengthening my resolve to be a powerful and living witness.
My rent was paid this month because the money came Right on time, the very same day it would have been considered late. But God!!! That is to say my particular situation is "such and such", But God made a way out. He put on the heart of two of co-workers that I do not even stay in contact with to bless me with something they didn't truly need, extra vacation time. I plan to let them know how God used them. I think we often under estimate our impact in other people's lives.
My friends...Put God first...He promised our basic needs would always be taken care of...It's in His word. He has also proven it to me in my life and on more then one occasion. Be encouraged. Make Every decision in faith and wisdom putting God first in your decisions. Anything He wants and resources He has are greater then we could ever do or obtain on our own. I promise!
Have faith, God wants you to prosper but He did Not promise material riches untold, that doesn't mean you are not blessed....He promised spiritual riches and for our Needs to be taken care of. Every Christian will not be rich. Prosperity is ours Yes, in the spirit. Don't let the devil trick you-God wants our faith to grow Before our bank account.
"Put first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you." Keep walking, sit down and rest for a moment if you need to but, Do Not stop... Keep Pushing!! As for me, I am R.I.C.H. like never ever before!!! Ready. Inspiring others. Changed. Humble. 7.8.12
God's love & peace to you. ~Beautiful Thought

This is not a cry, this is not for sympathy, this is my testimony. God has not seen me begging or without food. As a Dept of Human Services worker I am now on the other side of the bullet-proof glass. Even my status as a worker could not speed up the process of approving my food benefits. I had to go through and wait...persevere and increase my faith until God allowed relief. All the while strengthening my resolve to be a powerful and living witness.
My rent was paid this month because the money came Right on time, the very same day it would have been considered late. But God!!! That is to say my particular situation is "such and such", But God made a way out. He put on the heart of two of co-workers that I do not even stay in contact with to bless me with something they didn't truly need, extra vacation time. I plan to let them know how God used them. I think we often under estimate our impact in other people's lives.
My friends...Put God first...He promised our basic needs would always be taken care of...It's in His word. He has also proven it to me in my life and on more then one occasion. Be encouraged. Make Every decision in faith and wisdom putting God first in your decisions. Anything He wants and resources He has are greater then we could ever do or obtain on our own. I promise!
Have faith, God wants you to prosper but He did Not promise material riches untold, that doesn't mean you are not blessed....He promised spiritual riches and for our Needs to be taken care of. Every Christian will not be rich. Prosperity is ours Yes, in the spirit. Don't let the devil trick you-God wants our faith to grow Before our bank account.
"Put first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you." Keep walking, sit down and rest for a moment if you need to but, Do Not stop... Keep Pushing!! As for me, I am R.I.C.H. like never ever before!!! Ready. Inspiring others. Changed. Humble. 7.8.12
God's love & peace to you. ~Beautiful Thought
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