Thursday, December 31, 2015

Who's rib are you anyway?

I haven't posted on my blog in a long time but that's changing now. My voice needs to be heard more but I don't need more of social media. I need more of God!

"If a man is not willing to
dig deeper, forge new tunnels, take the chance of having to turn around and find a different way...if a man is not willing to climb to "the rock" for you on hand & knees, shelter you with prayer during "avalanches", offer you "living" water, trek miles alongside you in the shadow of the son...Then he should never even seek permission to begin the sacred journey. Guard your heart with more then just your ribs, until you recognize who's missing rib you are."
© 12.29.15 Natasha Beautiful Thought Anée, All Rights Reserved.

God's love, grace & peace to you
~Beautiful Thought