Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Post Mother's Day Peace

The day after lots of love is shown....and children grieved over dead relationships and deceased mothers; when many men found it most convenient to ask you out "in celebration of the day"; when your offspring where still disrespectful and often take for granted your sacrifices; when the often absent male parent barely said Hi let alone praised you for your hard work and dedication....on the day after Mother's Day know your mother loved how she knew and could, your children call you blessed and know you do your best, men finally got brave enough to show you their admiration, and many fathers know they messed up so being quiet goes best with pride. You are a queen a warrior a nurturer a lady with the job of carrying the world in her belly and on her the same time, no time for hearts on a sleeve, you have tears to wipe and mouths to feed, more babies to birth and generations to lead. You have little time for crying because there is homework to read. You are pearls, are gold, are ruby, are a master, are beauty, personified. Just as "mother earth" must be respected to give forth life you too are necessary for life. God made you and called it "good". The love in you is seeds that make words of encouragement raise up nations. We lyrically and metaphorically praise you, not for perfection, but for our examples of strength and perseverance. Thank you for not giving up on the living, and reasoning with those who we would not live right, for you are the reason....We Live. 5.13.13 
God's love & peace to you ~Beautiful Thought

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