Monday, August 26, 2013

I Am Encouraged

It's the end of August and I am so encouraged!!!! I have a lot to say so read....or don't.... This weekend despite difficulties and having to press IT was so encouraging!!! I ministered at Soundsof Imani's Anointed Gospel Coffee House with Paul Dean and friends. He and Clarissa stuck by me to help me press and it feels like commitment and dedication and feels I AM Blessed!

Sunday I had an awesome word as always from my pastor Mark Thompson and as a bonus saw a friend in Christ and in spirit JoVonna who is always full of positive energy. That evening I did a short impromptu piece at Darnell Kendricks' Smooth Soul Cafe Maccabees about the blessings & love of music & friends perfect for such a time as the soulful one he Always creates. Stay tuned for info about the next one Sept. 28 I plan to be on the mic even more. ;-) His event lifted my spirit through the love that permeates wherever HE IS and the spirits he attracts as a result.

Plus I caught up with my best friend Neva which is a blessing in itself. To top it off I had an agent from Affiliate Modeling agency (who happened to be in a mtg at the restaurant about a fashion magazine he is launching) tell me excitedly that he wants to work with me as a model.

Finally, this morning I watched The Peaceful Poetic Place 2nd Anniversary on dvd...the room was packed & both artists and the audience was on fire!!! I heard the words both Theo & Yahminah said that night...I heard very clearly today the words that were meant for me. One of the things Theo said was that "we" The P3 would not be there long & 2 months later here we are in search of a new venue. THAT means it is time to MOVE and GROW. It is time for me to move & grow. I'm open to all GOD has for me I will not let my circumstances that are merely temporarily (I claim) stand in my way.

God's love & peace to you ~Beautiful Thought

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