I was just reminded of Potiphar's wife who was a real "ole school hater". In spite, she set Joseph up for imprisonment, potentially even death. Joseph had to endure great trials by way of living in prison after being falsely accused. BUT GOD!!!! He found favor among men even in prison and later with the king Pharaoh, not to mention, he could have been killed instead of just imprisoned!
God doesn't choose to directly control people and there are evil, selfish people out here. So in the process of us dealing with those people filled with assignments from satan...He extends his grace and favor to us throughout our journeys. He allowed Joseph's anointing to eventually be what helped him get released from prison. Now what if he had wilded out for being done wrong, what if he did not wait on God to deliver him?? Oh you better believe the outcome would be different!
Joseph also forgave even his brothers who betrayed him. "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive." God IS intentional!
We all have choices to make and many of us respond differently to similar circumstances. HOWEVER, God is a consistent variable and His promises remain true no matter how long we are in the "belly of a great fish", the "lion's den", the "fiery furnace", or "imprisoned" unjustly. God IS a present help and a deliverer, as He was for our ancestors, He also is for us.
God's love & peace to you
~Beautiful Thought
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